Order Tree Matrix Consulting

Certified Site Plan Review (5 Plan Pack)

375.00 per plan

Site Plan review by a certified arborist with over 30 years of experience.


Certified Site Plan Review Service

Users can now request a review of their workflow and conclusions by Keith Pitchford, Tree 
Matrix founder and ISA Certified Arborist. Keith will review from 5 site plans and certify the
identification of boundaries and survivability scoring for a discounted consulting fee.

Tree Preservation Consulting Services

Tree Matrix can also provide tree preservation planning services for any project within the 
United States. All work would be undertaken and directed by Keith Pitchford, and our staff of 
consulting arborists under negotiated contract.
Contact Tree Matrix for additional information.

Certified Site Plan Review (5 Plan Pack) pricing

Single Plan

Single Site Plan Review

Plans Certified by Keith Pitchford

$100 single plan

Single Plan


The following payment providers are supported.

Tree Preservation Consulting Services

Tree Matrix can also provide tree preservation planning services for any project within the  United States. All work would be undertaken and directed by Keith Pitchford, and our staff of  consulting arborists under negotiated contract.

Contact Tree Matrix for additional information.